Fluid Layout

Energetic HTML Template is Completely Fuild Layout with Boxed and Stretched Style

Fluid layout has a max-width range of 1280px wider and can be increased depending on your requirement without any hassle. Stretched Layout will have no shadow effect if applied.

Change the layout to sidebar alignments including left/right and fullwidth by adding only one class to the main wrapper element of the layout.

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Flexible Design


Maecenas id lorem nec antein nec venenatis condimentum. Curabitur commodo ipsum nibh iaculis.
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Fluid Layout


Quisque elit purus id into Vivamus ipsumion dui, lobortis facilisis then placerat in, venenatis vel.
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Extensive Docs


Aenean egestas tristique justo, nec commodo orci Maecenas ultriciesn enim non luctus malesuada.
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Less Weight


Phasellus quam ipsum rutrum then aliquam rutrum ligula rictu lorem risus Sed vulputate tincidunt.
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P.O.Box 56789
Little Lonsdale St, Melbourne
Creative 1234 Australia

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Level 13, 2 JohnDoe St, Melbourne
Victoria 5460 Australia

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+12 (0) 3 4567 8901
Note: support requests are not handled by phone.